"We had the opportunity to collaborate with several architects and we were able to enjoy a good understanding and coordination, providing solutions and adapting to the sensitivity that marks the personality of each professional"
I can offer you my services in:
- Preparation of measurements and budgets (CYPE Archimedes)
- Health and safety studies
- Construction execution direction
- Energy certification of the project (HULC Program)
- Coordination of safety and health on site
Measurements and budgets
- Within a project, measurement and budget is a vital document to achieve the success of the work. The definition and precise description of the work to be done helps to minimize the cost overruns, the economic control during the execution of the works and the final satisfaction of the client.
- The measurement of the project is carried out on plans and with the specifications determined by the designer
- Offer: Price VERY interesting if contracted together with the direction of execution of the work and the coordination of security
Health and safety studies
- Drafted meticulously and adapted to the execution project in accordance with RD 1627/1997. This document is included as part of the executive project that requires it.
- It is considered that for works where the Material Execution Budget (PEM) exceeds € 280,000, the limitations established in article 4 of the Decree are exceeded and a health and safety study is required. In the works of lower amount only a basic study of safety and health is required. Special consideration must be given to labor-intensive works
Construction execution direction
- The director of the execution of the work forms part of the facultative management and assumes the function of directing the material execution of the work, monitoring the quality and economic control of the construction process.
- My professional line is based on availability on site and experience in execution directions.
Energy certification of the project
- Unified Tool for the Verification of the Basic Document HE of the CTE and the Energy Certification of Buildings
- Training: University Expert in Management, Efficiency and Energy Certification of Buildings - UIB.
- Currently also developing other modules in Renewable Energies and Nearly Nominal Consumption Buildings
Coordination of safety and health on site
The tasks of security coordination during the execution of the works entail a great responsibility that can only be assumed with knowledge and an efficient work methodology.
The rigor in the exercise and the documentation of the coordination consolidate the security and alleviates the heavy burden of responsibilities of the rest of the agents in the work.
The main responsibilities of the coordinator are:
- Coordinate the application of general principles of prevention and safety.
- Coordinate the activities of the work to ensure that contractors and, where appropriate, subcontractors and self-employed, apply in a consistent and responsible manner the principles of preventive action set out in Article 15 of the Law on Prevention of Occupational Hazards during the execution of the work, and in particular in the tasks or activities referred to in article 10 of RD 1627/1997.
- Coordinate the preventive resources of the work (RRPP), so that they can correctly develop their functions.
- Approve the safety and health plan drawn up by the contractor and, where appropriate, the modifications that have been introduced. .
- Organize the coordination of business activities foreseen in article 24 of the Labor Risk Prevention Law.
- Coordinate actions and control functions of the correct application of work methods.
- Adopt the necessary measures so that only authorized persons can access the work.
- Write down in the Incidents Book the orders that are made in terms of safety and health in order to carry out the control and monitoring of the Safety and Health Plan